The History & Benefits of Hawaiian Noni

Noni is one of Hawai`i’s superfoods and for centuries, it has held a central role in la`au lapa`au, or Hawaiian herbal medicine. It has been in use since the very earliest days of our islands, as it was among just a handful of crops brought to the islands by the Polynesian voyagers. Every part of the plant - leaves, fruit, and even bark - is used to treat a variety of health conditions. 

In recent years, scientists and researchers have begun to study and quantify the effects and benefits of noni. These studies have confirmed what many in Hawai`i have known all along; it’s a potent anti-inflammatory that supports the immune system...among other things! It’s thanks to these studies that thousands of people outside of Hawai`i have come to appreciate the many benefits that noni offers.

Noni has more than a physical value in Hawai`i; it also has spiritual value, with several roles in Hawaiian mythology. The demigod Maui is said to have been brought back to life after noni leaves were applied to his body. Pele, the volcano goddess who resides on Hawai`i Island, is known to circumvent noni trees when choosing the path of lava flow.

Whatever your spiritual background or practice, we like to think that our noni products are a way to give your body a little “aloha” from the inside out. Our noni juice shots and sparkling noni are a delicious, healthful way to participate in an ancient tradition of healing that exists throughout
the Pacific.  

Want to experience the benefits of noni yourself? Order online and get free shipping on orders over $30!