Where Energy Drinks Are Headed In The Next Five Years

For many beverages, the top two ingredients are sugar and water. At Hawaiian Ola we believe that a brighter and healthier future is on the horizon for energy drinks. We predict the future of energy drinks will be defined by real ingredients, less sugar, and responsible businesses practices.

Fortunately a change is occurring in the industry, with Hawaiian Ola doing our part to  lead help lead by example. Companies are starting to produce drinks that are low in sugar and use other natural ingredients to provide a boost to drinkers.

No More Sugary Water

A report issued by researchers at the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign suggests that one of the ways in which the energy drinks market could expand is by companies targeting the growing number of health-focused consumers.

The report indicates that this could be done by concentrating upon low-sugar beverages.

Hawaiian Ola Energy is ahead of the curve in this respect. Our drinks contain a mere 6 grams of sugar per two-serving container.

The main ingredients in Hawaiian Ola Energy are neither sugar nor water; they are organic, Hawaiian noni fruit and mango juice.

Perhaps within the next five years, other companies will follow our lead and reduce the amount of sugar in their drinks.

Natural Ingredients

The researchers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign also identified using natural ingredients as a step that energy drinks companies could take to expand the market.

Experts have stated one of the reasons that the industry has recently experienced a significant level of growth is that companies are beginning to put out a more diverse range of products, including drinks that have been created using natural products.

However there is still a long way to go with regards to this issue and the majority of companies are being slow to catch on.

Perhaps this could determine which companies sink and swim throughout the years to come.


More Transparency On Ingredients

Earlier this year, lawmakers released a report exposing the fact that many energy drinks companies are failing to prominently display all of the ingredients that are present in their beverages.

The report called for the implementation of measures to increase the levels of transparency in this area.

This is likely to result in energy drinks companies having to make the contents of their beverages considerably clearer than they are at present.

We not only display Hawaiian Ola Energy’s ingredients on the side of the containers but have also included them on our website.

It is likely that more companies will start to do the same over the course of the next five years.

Increased Focus Upon Sustainability

According to researchers at the Appalachian State University, there has been a recent trendtowards consumers purchasing products from companies that they believe to share their values. This has led to an increased focus upon sustainability.

The fact that more consideration is now being given to this issue is likely to result in more energy drinks being produced in an ecologically sound manner.

An example of this is Hawaiian Ola’s use of the noni fruit, which grows wild on the Hawaiian islands and doesn’t require synthetic fertilizers or pesticides in order to thrive. This means that its benefits can be reaped without damage being caused to the environment.

The more socially conscious the world becomes, the more energy drinks companies will concentrate upon using ingredients that are not grown or created using techniques that destroy the natural world.


Increased Use Of Fruit

The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign has identified incorporation of fruits as an area that energy drinks companies can focus upon in order to create a larger market for their products.

Some companies tend to concentrate upon synthetic products rather than using the fruits and berries that nature has provided for them.

They are missing out on a number of benefits that be gained from including fruit in energy beverages.

Not only does the inclusion of fruit result in drinks that are healthier overall but there are also a number of fruits that can be useful when taking part in activities that require an increase in energy. The noni fruit is a proven anti-inflammatory and can help to reduce muscle ache caused by vigorous exercise and mango can help to lower body fat, providing consumers with a better physique with which to take part in energetic, physical activities.

If energy drinks companies focus upon including more fruits in their products, they will increase the effectiveness of their products and facilitate the creation of fitter, more in-shape drinkers.

Organic Produce

Market intelligence company Transparency Market Research has predicted that demand for organic foodstuffs will increase both nationally and globally throughout the years to come.

The global market for organic foods is projected to have risen from 57.5 billion dollars in 2010 to 104.7 billion dollars by 2015.

This is another issue that the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign has highlighted as something that could be explored by energy drinks companies in order to push the industry forwards.

It is likely that there will be a marked growth in the number of companies that offer organic energy beverages within the next five years.


Begining A New Era

The nature of energy drinks is liable to change significantly throughout the years to come.

It is probable that there will be an increased focus on healthy ingredients, environmentally friendly products and low-sugar beverages.

Pressure from government bodies might also force companies to be more open about the ingredients that their energy drinks contain. This could be a catalyst for change, making them think more carefully about the content of their drinks.

A new era is approaching; the age of the ecologically conscious, socially responsible energy drink is slowly creeping in. Whether it will be fully upon us within the next five years remains to be seen.

Chris Whidden