BevNet Live 2012
Highlights from this year’s summer BevNet in NYC:
In a sobering talk by the CEO of Stone Brewing Co. Greg Koch called for less sugar and more REAL ingredients in the beverages we’re consuming, citing the growing epidemic of diabetes and obesity related health issues in the US.
In a presentation on the growing importance of being certified as a B-Corporation, representatives from Mamma Chia, Guayaki, and I Am held a panel discussion on the growing network of businesses making the switch to thinking triple bottom line.
On the second day, Bill Weiland (President & CEO of Presence Marketing/Dynamic Presence) gave a great talk that included a summary of what he sees as key functional benefits to look for in new products- such as anti-inflammatory, detox, and joint health properties.
It’s inspiring to see forward thinkers in the beverage industry advocating for a change in our relationships with the products we drink. In the coming years our team looks forward to health and social responsibility being major themes in the industry.